Saturday, January 19, 2008

Tricks For Mozila

Magic Tricks in Firefox web browser

Jump to Tab
Press Ctrl+1-9 [ any number from 1 to 9 that'll make you jump to that tab window - Yes, this is firefox

Stop Firefox to stuck
If Firefox takes up too much memory on your computer, you can limit the amount of RAM it is allowed to us and you feel it is working slow and painfully taking too much of virtual memory. Go to about:config, filter “browser.cache” and select “browser.cache.disk.capacity”. Right click and select modify and change value to 15000 especially for computer connected to fast internet connections - slow dial up connections for many linux users I recommend using more memory as you may have a large swap memory ( RAM in windows ).

Stop Firefox Thinking delay
Also, right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Change it to “ nglayout.initialpaint.delay ” and set its value to “0″. This value is the amount of time the internet browser waits before it acts on the information it receives.

Customize Tab close preferance
Type 'about:config' in address bar ( Where you type etc. ). Edit the preference for “browser.tabs.closeButtons”. Here are the meanings of each value:

* 0: Display a close button on the active tab only
* 1:(Default) Display close buttons on all tabs
* 2:Don’t display any close buttons
* 3:Display a single close button at the end of the tab bar (Firefox 1.x behavior)

It will appear like this given in steps

step 1 : about:config
step 2: browser.tabs.closeButtons
step 3 : Right click on " browser.tabs.closeButtons " - and click "Modify"
step 4 : Use " 0" for close button to appear in one tab

Use any Search engines like or from your address bar
This applies with Bookmarks also.
First for keywords.
Step 1 Find any search engine - in this case - I'll open - right click on the search bar - menu opens up
Step 2 Click on add a keyword search( here is the catch - Why haven't you seen this before and why have you been so afraid to click)
Step 3 Start filling the box - fill anything but remember in the " Keyword " box you should type " the letter or word you'll use to access the search engine "

e.g in brief - > right click on search bar > click on "Add a keyword search" from the drop down menu > name = google , keyword = g > press ok!

Now go to your address bar ( where you type or any site ) and type "g index.of mp3 " g is the google search keyword you wrote before in the dialog box and index.of mp3 is your search > you can do this with any search engine ( Just copy it from here ) You will now be seeing a google search .Viola! it's actually quiet simple.

You can also do this with saving a entire location ; instead of using a search bar now you'll be saving a complicated address like - Hope you understood what a complicated address is. So now move forward.

Step 1 Go to "Bookmarks" in the Menu bar
Step 2 Right click on " Get bookmark add-on " and then fill the dialog box when filling the dialog box the most important thing is the location and keyword. In the location you'll fill the complicated URL ( ) you want to save > and after that use a simple keyword (remember (to make Logical keywords ( just for you to remember ) If you are trying for the first time don't be scared.)) Press Ok. Now just like a keyword search type the letter or anything you used as keyword > type it in the address bar > your whole link should open up.

Important SQL Quieries

create table command:-------
create table

create table branch_master
("branch_no" varchar(10),"name" varchar(25));

inserting data into table:-------
insert into (,)

insert into branch_mstr(branch_no,name)
values('b1','vile parle(ho)');

viewing data in the tableL--------

all rows and all columns:
select tofrom tablename;

select * from branch_mstr;
selected columns and all rows:-------
select,from table name;

select fname,lname from emp_mstr;
selected rows and all columns:------
select * from
where ;
select * from brach_mstr where name='vile parle(ho)';

selected columns and selected rows:-------
select ,
from where ;

select acct_no,branch_no from acct_mstr where type='sb';

eliminating duplicate rows :--------
select distinct ,
from ;

select distinct * from branch_mstr;

sorting data in a table:---------
select * from tablename order by,
,<[sort order]>;

select * from branch_mstr order by name;

creating a table from a table:--------
create table
)as select ,

create table acct_dtls(acct_no,brach_no,balance)as select acct_no,branch_no,curbal from acct_mstr;

creating table structure only:--------
create table acct_dtls(acct_no,brach_no,balance)
as select acct_no,branch_no,curbal from acct_mstr
where 1=2(condition cannot be fullfill);

inserting data into a talbe from another table:------
insert intoselect ,
from ;

insert into acct_dtls select acct_no,
branch_no,curbal from acct_mstr;

insertion of data setinto a table from another table:------
insert into select,
where ;

insert into acct_dtls select acct_no,branch_no,curbal from acct_mstr where acct_no like 'sb%';

delete oprations:
all rows:----
delete from ;
specific rows:------
delete from where ;

removal of specific rows based on the
date held by the other table:
delete from addr_dtls where exists
(select fname from cust_mstr
where cust_mstr.cust_no=addr_dtls.code_no
and cust_mstr.fname='ivan');

updating the contents of table:--------
updating all rows:--------
update set=,=;

update addr_dtls set city='bombay';

updating records conditionally:
updateset=,= where ;

update branch_mstr set name='head office' where name='vile parle(ho)';
modifying the structure of the table:---------
adding new columns:---------
alter table add(<

alter table branch_mstr add(city varchar(25));

droping a column from a table:--------
alter table drop column;

alter table branch_mstr drop column city;

modifying exiting columns:--------
alter talbemodify(

alter table branch_mstr modify (name varchar(30));

renaming tablename:--------
rename to ;

rename branch_mstr to branches;

destroying table:--------
drop table ;
displaying ther table structure:-------
describe ;

data constraints:------
primary key constraints:--------
at column level:--------
()primary key;
create table cust_mstr("cust_no" varchar(10)primary key);
at talbe level:---------
primary key(,);
create table fd_mstr("fd_ser_no" varchar(10),
"sf_no" varchar(10),"branch_no" varchar(10),
primary key(fd_ser_no,corp_cust_no));
foreign key (self reference) constraint:-----------
foreing key constraint defined at column level:--------
[()][on delete cascade];
create talbe emp_mstr("emp_no" varchar(10)
primary key,"branch_no" varchar(10) references branch_mstr,
"fname" varchar(25));
the foreign key defintion is specified as:--------
"branch_no" varchar(10) references branch_mstr;
foreing key constraint at the table level:---------
foriegn key(,)
on delte casecade:--------
create talbe fd_dtls"fd_ser_no" varchar(10),
"fd_no" varchar(10),foreign key(fd_ser_no)references
fd_mstr(fd_ser_no) on delete cascade);
on delte set null:--------
create talbe fd_dtls"fd_ser_no" varchar(10),"fd_no"
varchar(10),foreign key(fd_ser_no)references
fd_mstr(fd_ser_no) on delete set null);
unique key constraint:-------
at column level:------
()unique key;
table level:---------
unique key(,);
create table fd_mstr("fd_ser_no" varchar(10),
"sf_no" varchar(10),"branch_no" varchar(10),
unique key(fd_ser_no,corp_cust_no));
not null constraint:---------
()not null;
create table cust_mstr("cust_no" varchar(10)not null);
logical operators:--------
the and operator:--------
select * from trans_mstr where amt>=500 and amt<=5000 and to_char(dt,'dd/mm/yyyy')=to_char (sysdate,'dd/mm/yyyy'); the or operator:-------- select cust_no,fname,mname,lname"customers" from cust_mstr,addr_dtls where cust_mstr.cust_no= addr_dtls.code_no and(occup='information technology' or occup='self employee')and cust_no like 'c%'; the not operator:-----
select acct_no,type,opr_mode,opndt,from
acct_mstr where not(opr_mode='si' or opr_mode='jo');
range searchig:------
select * from trans_mstr where to_char(dt,'mm')
between 01 and 03;
select distinct from trans_mstr where to_char(dt,'mm')
not between 01 and 04;
pattern matching:-----
the use of like predicate:------
select fname,lname,dob_inc"birthdate",occup from
cust_mstr where fname like 'ch%';
the IN and NOT IN predicates:------
select fname,lname,dob_inc"birthday",occup from
cust_mstr where fname IN('hansel','mamta','namita',
select fname,lname,dob_inc"birthday",occup from
cust_mstr where fname NOT IN('hansel','mamta','namita',

grouping data from tables in sql:-------

group by clause:------
select ,,
aggregate_function () from tablename
where Group by,

select branch_no"branch no",count(emp_no)
"no. of employees" from emp_mstr group by branch_no;
having clause:-------
select cust_no,count(acct_fd_no)"no.of a/cs"
from acct_fd_cust_dtls group by cust_no having

select fname,laname from cust_mstr where
cust_no in(select code_no from addr_dtls
where code_no like
'c%' and pincode not in(select pincode from
addr_dtls where code_no like 'b%'));

correlated supqueries:-------
select acct_no,curbal,branch_no from acct_mstr
A where curbal>(select avg(curbal) from acct_mstr
where branch_no=A.branch_no);
using multicolumn query:---------
select fname,laname from cust_mstr where
(fname,lname)in(select fname,lname from emp_mstr);
joining multiple tables:--------
select ,,
from ,
where .=
. and order by,,;

union clause:-------
multiple queries can be put together and their output can be combined using the union clause.
union clause merges the output of two or more queries into a single set of rows and columns.

select cust_no,fname,lname from cust_mstr,addr_dtls
where cust_mstr.cust_no=addr_dtls.code_no and'mumbai' and addr_dtls.code_no like'e%'
UNION select emp_no,fname,lname from emp_mstr,
addr_dtls where cust_mstr.cust_no=addr_dtls.code_no and'mumbai' and addr_dtls.code_no like'c%';

sql functions:---------
avg():--------returns an average vlaue of n,ignoring
null vlaues in a column.
select avg(curbal)"average balance" from acct_mstr;
MIN():-------returns minimum value of expr.
select min(curbal)"minimum balance" from acct_mstr;
count(expr):-------returns the number of rows
where expr is not null.
select count(acct_no)"no.of accounts" from acct_mstr;
MAX():--------returns the maximum value of expr.
select max(curbal)"maximum balance" from acct_mstr;
SUM()---------returns the sum of the values of n;
select sum(curbal)"total balance" from acct_mstr;
ABS(n):---------returns the absolute value of 'n'.
select abs(-15) from dual;
power(m,n):---------returns m raised to the n
power.n must be an integer ,else an error is returned.
select power(3,2) from dual;
round(n,m):----------returns n,rounded to m
place to the right of a decimal point.if m
is omitted,n is rounded to 0 places.
select round(15.19,1) from dual;
sqrt(n):------returns square root of n.
select sqrt(25) from dual;
greatest(expr1,expr2,...):--------returns the greatest value.
least(expr1,expr2,...):--------returns the least value.
MOD(m,n):------returns the remainder of a
first number divided by second number.
select mod(15,7),mod(15.7,7) from dual;
FLOOR(n):------returns the largest integer
value that is equal to or less than a number.
select floor(24.8),floor(13.15) from dual;
CEIL(n):------select ceil(24.8),ceil(13.15) from dual;

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Remove Viruses From Computer For Ever

Remove Viruses from your computer forever!

With this little technique, you can shield your computer from viruses
forever. No need to keep anti-virus programs, they are so
resource-consuming and high-priced. Also, anti-virus programs cannot detect virus
variants. If a programmer modifies existing virus a little bit, anti-virus
is fooled.

My opinion, viruses cannot be detected and removed. Once in a while,
they do infect your computer. But with my vaccine, you will never get
infected from viruses, and you can have the luxury of having more RAM for
your applications, since you don't need an anti-virus software.


OK, the theory is, when a virus enters your computer, there is no way
to remove it, unless you know what areas that affects your computer, and
what form of startup method it has deployed! Though sometimes you
believe you have removed it, there may still be some traces of it, and may
again get triggered with some programs.

So, they must be stopped from entering your computer! Or, even they
exist, they should not have the privilege for execution. Unless the virus
is executed, it is harmless. Virus is a virus only if it infects your
files. Otherwise they are like prisoners in your computer, trying to get
out and infect, but helpless.

Right then, we are going to stop virus from entering computer and even
if they enter, make them non-executable, totally harmless, no matter
how new the virus is, no matter the anti-virus shows them CLEAN!


Create a local user say 'nitin', apart from any administrator accounts.
Always use programs from this user. You might say, i often have to
install programs and even run programs that need administrator privilege.
No problem. To run programs with administator privilege sitting in local
user, you can SHIFT+Right Click on the program, and click RUNAS. And
if that doesn't solve the problem, you can do anything with
administrator command prompt. C:/>runas /user:administrator cmd You will have the
command prompt with administrative privilege.

With runas method, you can access anything, any control panel applets
as well.

This is no tedious. The only thing is "RUNAS". Its so simple.


-> OK. If a virus doesn't affect the system, it is not at all a virus.
With a local user, even if you execute the virus yourself, it can't
enter WINDOWS folder. It can't edit the registry. It cannot do anything
without administraor privilege. It remains there. You can manually delete
it when you like.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Create Hidden User Account

Create A Hidden User Account

This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome
screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's
necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in
Windows 2000.

Registry Key:

Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as below.
Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account
to be Hidden
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]

Now just exit and reboot. Your account will be hidden!